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About me

Hey! My name is Shravya Aher.  I'm a student majoring in computer science at Arizona State University. I was born and raised in India, a nation with a highly diverse culture. I am a physically active person who has participated in various sports, primarily fencing, karate, tennis, and roller skating. I have participated in and received medals from numerous national and international tournaments. I have a strong desire to excel academically. 

One of the few activities that I genuinely love is reading. I enjoy discussing and reading numerous topics fiction or non-fiction. In this blog, I am going to discuss the intersection of climate change and social justice.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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The Intersection of Climate Change and Social Justice

     Social justice refers to the concept of ensuring that all individuals and groups in society are treated fairly and have equal access to opportunities and resources. It is concerned with addressing systemic inequalities and promoting a more equitable distribution of power, wealth, and privileges within a society. Climate change and social justice are interconnected issues, as the effects of climate change disproportionately impact marginalized communities. Climate change exacerbates existing social inequalities, and those who are most vulnerable to its impacts are often those who have contributed the least to its causes. The intersection of climate change and social justice requires a multi-faceted approach to address the root causes of both issues and create a more equitable and sustainable future (Solomonian 5). Fig 1: representation of climate change      Social justice and climate change are two interrelated problems that have a big influence o...